
List Resources, Modules, or Balance Owned by an Address

This allows you to list the current resources at the time of query. This can change due to any transactions that have occurred after the request.


movement aptos account list [OPTIONS]


  • --account <ACCOUNT> Address of the account you want to list resources/modules/balance for

  • --query <QUERY> Type of items to list: [balance, resources, modules]. [default: resources] [possible values: balance, modules, resources]

  • --url <URL> URL to a fullnode on the network. Defaults to the URL in the default profile

  • --profile <PROFILE> Profile to use from the CLI config. This will be used to override associated settings such as the REST URL, the Faucet URL, and the private key arguments. Defaults to "default"

  • --connection-timeout-secs <CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SECS> Connection timeout in seconds, used for the REST endpoint of the fullnode. [default: 30]

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