
Creates a New Move Package at the Given Location

This will create a directory for a Move package and a corresponding Move.toml file.


movement aptos move init [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>


  • --name <NAME> Name of the new Move package.

  • --package-dir <PACKAGE_DIR> Directory to create the new Move package.

  • --named-addresses <NAMED_ADDRESSES> Named addresses for the move binary. Allows for an address to be put into the Move.toml, or a placeholder _. Example: alice=0x1234,bob=0x5678,greg=_. Note: This will fail if there are duplicates in the Move.toml file remove those first. [default: ]

  • --assume-yes Assume yes for all yes/no prompts.

  • --assume-no Assume no for all yes/no prompts.

  • --framework-git-rev <FRAMEWORK_GIT_REV> Git revision or branch for the Aptos framework. This is mutually exclusive with --framework-local-dir.

  • --framework-local-dir <FRAMEWORK_LOCAL_DIR> Local framework directory for the Aptos framework. This is mutually exclusive with --framework-git-rev.

  • --skip-fetch-latest-git-deps Skip pulling the latest git dependencies. If you don't have a network connection, the compiler may fail due to no ability to pull git dependencies. This will allow overriding this for local development.

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