
Generate a WriteSet Genesis

This will compile a Move script and generate a writeset from that script.


movement aptos genesis generate-admin-write-set [OPTIONS] --output-file <OUTPUT_FILE> --execute-as <EXECUTE_AS>


  • --output-file <OUTPUT_FILE> Path of the output genesis file

  • --execute-as <EXECUTE_AS> Address of the account which execute this script

  • --script-path <SCRIPT_PATH> Path to the Move script for the proposal

  • --compiled-script-path <COMPILED_SCRIPT_PATH> Path to the Move script for the proposal

  • --framework-git-rev <FRAMEWORK_GIT_REV> Git revision or branch for the Aptos framework This is mutually exclusive with --framework-local-dir

  • --framework-local-dir <FRAMEWORK_LOCAL_DIR> Local framework directory for the Aptos framework This is mutually exclusive with --framework-git-rev

  • --skip-fetch-latest-git-deps Skip pulling the latest git dependencies If you don't have a network connection, the compiler may fail due to no ability to pull git dependencies. This will allow overriding this for local development.

  • --bytecode-version <BYTECODE_VERSION>

  • --assume-yes Assume yes for all yes/no prompts

  • --assume-no Assume no for all yes/no prompts

Last updated